Heath's Favorite Quotes"Someone can practice a musical selection till they get it right, but a professional practices until he can't get it wrong." -Music Professor at IUP Just give things a little time. And in the meantime... keep believing in yourself; take the best of care; try to put things in perspective; remember what's most important; don't forget that someone cares; search for the positive side; learn the lessons to be learned; and find your way through to the inner qualities... the strength, the smiles, the wisdom, and the optimistic outlook that are such special parts of you. It's going to be okay. I know it will be. Because I know you. -Poem by Barin Taylor "Maturity isn't a product of growing older; it's a product of growing wiser." -Ann Landers "He smelled like a cross between Tommy Hilfiger and God." -Ranae Quashnock "To remember that every love is one more jewel on my way to the Emerald City." -Ranae Quashnock "Life is a Journey, and love is what makes that journey worthwhile." (not sure who this one is by) "Many things in life will catch your eye but only a few will catch your heart." (not sure who this one is by) "She put her hand on my shoulder, and smiled right into my heart." -Sheila Stephens "If you love and believe in yourself, you are in the "in" crowd." -Michele Wallace Campanelli "If I had never met him I would have dreamed him into being." -Anzia Yezierska "Don't compromise yourself. You are all you've got." -Janis Joplin "Truth is like an invisible warrior. It will save you from the battlefield." -Iyanla Vanzant "In the stillness, there is dancing." -Sue Dyer "The secret to cheating death is learning how to really live." -Cecilia Maida "Life is our schoolroom, ... and love is always the best teacher." -Joan Walsh Anglund "A day so soft you could wrap a baby in it." -Marcelene Cox Sorry these are mostly sappy love quotes... I'll have more of a variety as soon as I get a chance. ![]() |